Select definition:
Where * is shown, the figures are small but not zero.
Data is for All Individuals aged 4+ against Multi-Channel Universe.
This report contains reach, share and time spent viewing data based on two definitions of television viewing (hover over for definition):
The report is sorted by share by broadcaster group by default (based on the Total Broadcaster data for the period); click the arrows in a column header in the two 'sort by' views to sort the table by that value.
Weekly reporting is available to subscribers who are logged in.
A note on calculations applied to this report:
All data in this report are based on the Multiple Screens Network Panel comprising all TV-homes plus broadband-only homes that are capable of watching streaming services on non-TV devices
Prior to 28 July 2022, Total Identified, Total SVOD/AVOD and Total Video Sharing viewing were based on the Online Multiple Screens Network Panel which represented the same population as the Multiple Screens Network but excluded homes in the sample that were not yet reporting their streaming via Barb’s router meter
Effective December 2024, on demand viewing data for PC’s, tablets and smartphones will be reported directly to the online platform where the content was viewed, rather than being allocated to the broadcaster who owns the content as was previously reported. Additionally, the methodology for defining viewing day and calculating reach metrics have been updated, which will produce small differences if compared directly with the methodology used previously.
Source: Barb.
* A range of non-subscribing channels are audio-referenced by Barb at an aggregate level to help reduce the amount of unidentified viewing. These channels are not separately reported.