Full details of Barb’s fees, and terms & conditions of data use, can be found in the Barb rate card. All Barb users pay annual fees which are dependent upon their use of the data.
To subscribe to the Barb television audience measurement service please complete the contact form.
Data access is generally provided to users through one of the Barb registered data processing bureaux. The datasets can be purchased directly from Barb, but interrogation of these raw data requires extensive specialist software.
The cost of the data, or other Barb-related services provided by a bureau, is additional to the licence fees charged by Barb.
End User (Limited Usage) Licence
Small volumes of Barb data, intended for internal use only, are offered via an Annual End User (Limited Usage) Licence from Barb registered data processing bureaux. The Annual End User (Limited Usage) Licence fee is in addition to the cost of the data, and this is:
- For data costing up to a maximum of £14,250; 10 percent of the amount invoiced with a minimum cost of £400.
To enquire about an Annual End User (Limited Usage) Licence, please contact us.
Media services wishing to be Barb-reported
Media services who would like to be Barb-reported will need to provide some basic channel information initially, as well as be capable of supplying programme and commercial logs on an ongoing basis.
For more information about having your service measured and reported by Barb, please contact us.